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Sadie's Bikes Fundraiser

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Please join Us December 12 to raise the necessary funds to open a bicycle shop on Main St. in Downtown Greenfield.

Doors are at 5pm / Admission is 10-20$ Sliding Scale

Look Forward to:
A bike clinic on how to fix a flat @ 5:30
Fallowed by Music From:
Marlene Lavelle (delicate ukulele)
A Cajun Band (Local Cajun Music!)
The Old Fashioneds (Refer to their name, from the 91 corridor)
Julia Read (Magically Witty, East Hampton)
Alpha Error (Deep Rippers From Providence)
Funeral Cone (Lovable Goons also from Providence)

Take Part in a raffle or the biggest game of musical chairs we can come up with.

Throughout the night enjoy Musial interludes by DJ SubDweller ending with a Dance Party!!

The Capacity at 10.forward is 99 people, so we have a good shot at filling it up. Help me in making this Dream come to life!!!

-Nik Perry

Later Event: December 13
Mark Schwaber and Revenant Sea